No mês de Novembro, fui pela primeira vez
ao Gota TeatrOficina assistir à peça “Coração de
Basalto” escrita e encenada pelo Dramaturgo Brasileiro Celso Cruz e
interpretada pelo Ator Brasileiro Guilherme Freitas.
Esta peça é muito especial porque retrata de forma intensa,
vivências muito marcantes do passado da personagem que toca ao espetador e
fá-lo identificar-se com todos aqueles momentos. A forma como é interpretada
pelo Guilherme, é estrondosa! Acho que nunca tinha visto tanta energia do
início ao fim, mesmo nos momentos em que a peça requer uma certa “pausa” ele sabe
como ter a presença certa, que faz com que nos impeça de tirar os olhos de cima
dele. É incrível a consciência que o ator tem sobre o seu corpo e voz, porque a
peça dura cerca de uma hora e tal e não se notou um único momento de cansaço ou
de alguma falta de energia! As palavras, as frases, os monólogos que Celso Cruz
escreveu são muito envolventes, dá imensa vontade de querer que ele escreva
algo para nós e que possamos fazer TEATRO tal e qual como Coração de Basalto: é
Aconselho-vos a assistir, até porque têm até Novembro para
puder comprovar aquilo que referi e deliciar-se com esta Arte com tantos
adjetivos positivos e negativos. Só sei dizer que é uma Arte Mágica!
Quero dar os parabéns ao Gosta TeatroOficina, ao Celso Cruz
e ao Guilherme Freitas pelo grande trabalho que desenvolveram! Como referi,
estará no Gota TeatroOficina todas as Quartas-feiras às 21H e vale muito a
Para mais inf:
“Eu sonho ser atriz. Uma atriz de verdade.” CirilaBossuet
Com um beijinho repleto de Arte, Cirila Bossuet.
Name of the post: Heart of Basalt
Monologers Hello!
In November, I first went to see the play TeatrOficina Drop "Heart of Basalt" written and directed by playwright Brazilian Celso Cruz and interpreted by Brazilian actor Guilherme Freitas.
This piece is very special because it portrays so intense, very striking experiences of the past of the character who plays the spectator and makes him identify with those moments. The way it is interpreted by Guilherme is booming! I'd never seen so much energy from start to finish, even at times when the piece requires a certain "break" he knows how to have a certain presence that makes that prevents us from taking her eyes off him. It's amazing to realize that the actor has on your body and voice, because the piece lasts about an hour and such and not noticed a single moment of fatigue or a lack of energy! The words, the phrases, the
monologues that Celso Cruz writes that are very engaging, gives immense will to want him to write something for us and we can do THEATRE just like Heart of Basalt: is THEATRE.
This piece is very special because it portrays so intense, very striking experiences of the past of the character who plays the spectator and makes him identify with those moments. The way it is interpreted by Guilherme is booming! I'd never seen so much energy from start to finish, even at times when the piece requires a certain "break" he knows how to have a certain presence that makes that prevents us from taking her eyes off him. It's amazing to realize that the actor has on your body and voice, because the piece lasts about an hour and such and not noticed a single moment of fatigue or a lack of energy! The words, the phrases, the
monologues that Celso Cruz writes that are very engaging, gives immense will to want him to write something for us and we can do THEATRE just like Heart of Basalt: is THEATRE.
I advise you to watch, because you can have until November to prove what I said and delight in this art with many positive and negative adjectives. I can only say that Magic is an Art!
I want to congratulate Like TeatroOficina, to Celso Cruz and Guilherme Freitas for the great work they have done! As I mentioned, will be at the Drop TeatroOficina all Wednesdays at 21 PM and it's really worthwhile!
I want to congratulate Like TeatroOficina, to Celso Cruz and Guilherme Freitas for the great work they have done! As I mentioned, will be at the Drop TeatroOficina all Wednesdays at 21 PM and it's really worthwhile!
(Poster is on top)
For more inf:
Drop TeatrOficina
Event on facebook
"I dream to be an actress. A real actress." CirilaBossuet
With a kiss full of Art, Cirila Bossuet
Event on facebook
"I dream to be an actress. A real actress." CirilaBossuet
With a kiss full of Art, Cirila Bossuet
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