Olá Monologers!
Anuncio-vos com todo o prazer que
no dia 25 de Janeiro às 19H00 irá realizar-se um espectáculo no Auditório da Escola
Secundária de Santa Maria (Sintra).
O espectáculo chama-se “Poemas de
Bertolt Brecht & Fragmentos” e está a ser organizado pela minha turma, ou
seja, pelo Curso Profissional de Artes do Espectáculo/ Interpretação. Esta
ideia surgiu a partir dos bons resultados que alcançamos depois de cada
elemento da turma ter escolhido um poema de Brecht para Interpretar, que
certamente contou para a avaliação. Achámos que o bom trabalho não deveria ser
visto apenas pelos olhos da nossa turma e dos nossos colegas de escola, e
resolvemos torná-lo aberto não só ao público escolar como também ao público
local. Queremos proporcionar ao público um momento de lazer (e não só!), algo
que faça quebrar esta vida que cada vez mais se está a tornar uma rotina.
Mais não digo porque senão acabo
por contar tudo. É importante, mas mesmo muito importante, dizer-vos que o espectáculo
é Grátis, o que nos tempos de hoje é muito bom!
Deixo-vos aqui o cartaz, algumas
fotografias do ensaio de hoje e o link do evento criado no facebook (para mais
inf). Apareçam, vale mesmo a pena!
*Cartaz e fotografias da minha colega Margarida Coelho.
“Sabemos perfeitamente do que se
trata. Utilizas a mente para pensar, o nariz para cheirar, os ouvidos para
ouvir, e a boca? Vem ter
connosco, nós falaremos por ti.” CirilaBossuet
Com um beijinho repleto de Arte, Cirila Bossuet.
Monologers Hello!
I bring you with pleasure that on January 25 will be held a show at the Auditorium of the High School of Santa Maria (Sintra).
The show is called "Poems & Fragments of Bertolt Brecht" and is being organized by my class, the Professional Course of Performing Arts / Interpretation. This idea came from the good results we achieved after each element of the class chose a poem by Brecht to interpret, which certainly counted for evaluation. We thought that the good work should not be seen only through the eyes of our class and our school friends, and we decided to make it accessible not only to the public school as well as the general public. We want to give the audience a moment of leisure (and not only!), Something that makes breaking this life which increasingly is becoming a routine.
I will not say anything because otherwise I end up telling everything. It is important, yet very important, tell you that the show is free, which in today's times is very good!
I leave you here the poster, some photos from today's test and link the event created on facebook (for more inf). Come out, really worth it!
I bring you with pleasure that on January 25 will be held a show at the Auditorium of the High School of Santa Maria (Sintra).
The show is called "Poems & Fragments of Bertolt Brecht" and is being organized by my class, the Professional Course of Performing Arts / Interpretation. This idea came from the good results we achieved after each element of the class chose a poem by Brecht to interpret, which certainly counted for evaluation. We thought that the good work should not be seen only through the eyes of our class and our school friends, and we decided to make it accessible not only to the public school as well as the general public. We want to give the audience a moment of leisure (and not only!), Something that makes breaking this life which increasingly is becoming a routine.
I will not say anything because otherwise I end up telling everything. It is important, yet very important, tell you that the show is free, which in today's times is very good!
I leave you here the poster, some photos from today's test and link the event created on facebook (for more inf). Come out, really worth it!
(Images are on top)
* Poster and photos of my colleague Margarida Coelho.
“We know perfectly well what it is. You use your mind to think, nose to smell, ears to hear, and mouth? Come to us, we will speak for you."Cirila Bossuet
With a kiss full of Art, Cirila Bossuet.
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