Olá Monologers!
Hoje dia 17 de Janeiro, é um dia muito especial porque a
minha mãe fez anos, 44 anos!
A palavra Mãe é
algo que me arrepia, e quando me refiro à minha, vem-me lágrimas aos olhos
porque é um ser humano muito humilde e que eu respeito de tal forma que eu não
sei explicar. Ela já sofreu muito e eu dedico parte da minha vida a dar-lhe
alegria e a fazer com que se sinta orgulhosa de mim e dos meus irmãos. Decidi
fazer esta pequena homenagem para vocês terem a noção da minha grande paixão e
da pessoa mais importante da minha vida, e não faria sentido ter um blog em que
falo daquilo que gosto e de certa forma “exponho” a minha vida, sem falar do
meu grande orgulho, a minha Mãe. Para
além da pessoa e Mãe espetacular que
é, ela contribuiu para a cultura Angolana pois fez parte do Ballet Nacional de
Angola durante 6 anos (anos 80), quando este estava no seu auge. Era uma das
melhores bailarinas e fez mais de 200 espetáculos, atuou em vários países como
o Brasil, África do Sul, Egipto, Espanha, França, etc. Utilizavam trajes
tradicionais de várias províncias angolanas, os trajes eram compostos por
roupas (panos) tradicionais das províncias de Angola.
Sempre que converso com ela sobre a sua vida artística,
apercebo-me que tenho um grande Baú de recordações em casa e que só tenho é que
valorizar ainda mais aquilo que tenho!
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Fotografia da minha Mãe e do meu Pai, Década de 80 (Antes de um espetáculo) / Photography of my Mother and my Father, 80's (Before a spectacle) |
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Pequena sessão fotográfica em 2012/ Small photoshoot in 2012 |
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Pequena sessão fotográfica em 2012 / Small photoshoot in 2012 |
“A palavra Mãe, diz-te
alguma coisa?” CirilaBossuet
Com um beijinho repleto de Arte, Cirila Bossuet.
Hello Monologers!
Today 17th January is a very special day because my mother did years, 44 years!
The word Mother is something that chills me, and when I refer to my, comes tears to my eyes because it is a very humble human being and I respect that so I can not explain. She has suffered much and I dedicate part of my life to give you joy and make you feel proud of myself and my brothers. I decided to make this little tribute to the notion you have of my great passion and the most important person in my life, and it would not make sense to have a blog in which I speak of what I like and somehow "expose" my life, not to mention my great pride, my Mother in addition to the person that is spectacular and Mother, she contributed to the Angolan culture because it was part of the Ballet Nacional de Angola for 6 years (80), while it was at its peak. It was one of the best dancers and did more than 200 shows, acted in several countries such as Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Spain, France, etc.. They used traditional costumes of various Angolan provinces, the costumes consisted of clothing (rags) of the traditional provinces of Angola.
Whenever I talk to her about his artistic life, I realize that I have a great Chest memories at home and only have value is that much more!
Today 17th January is a very special day because my mother did years, 44 years!
The word Mother is something that chills me, and when I refer to my, comes tears to my eyes because it is a very humble human being and I respect that so I can not explain. She has suffered much and I dedicate part of my life to give you joy and make you feel proud of myself and my brothers. I decided to make this little tribute to the notion you have of my great passion and the most important person in my life, and it would not make sense to have a blog in which I speak of what I like and somehow "expose" my life, not to mention my great pride, my Mother in addition to the person that is spectacular and Mother, she contributed to the Angolan culture because it was part of the Ballet Nacional de Angola for 6 years (80), while it was at its peak. It was one of the best dancers and did more than 200 shows, acted in several countries such as Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Spain, France, etc.. They used traditional costumes of various Angolan provinces, the costumes consisted of clothing (rags) of the traditional provinces of Angola.
Whenever I talk to her about his artistic life, I realize that I have a great Chest memories at home and only have value is that much more!
(Images are on top)
"The word Mother says anything to you?"
"The word Mother says anything to you?"
With a kiss full of Art, Cirila Bossuet.
Os teus pais eram lindíssimos, e a tua mãe continua a ser! Ballet nacional de Angola? UAU, é o que tenho a dizer ;)
ResponderExcluirSou da mesma opinião, apesar de ser suspeita para falar sobre isso! Muito Obrigada ;)