No dia 12, fui até à Casa de Teatro de Sintra assistir ao espetaculo de teatro Moby-Dick pelo Teatromsoca, a primeira peça que vi neste ano de 2014! Moby-Dick é um romance do autor americano Herman Melville (1819 -1891), retrata a vida de um veterano do mar que decide dedicar-se à pesca de baleias. Este é o segundo trabalho que vejo feito pelo Teatromosca, o primeiro foi A paixão do jovem werther de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, desde que vi o primeiro espetáculo fiquei presa ao trabalho desta companhia, não consigo perceber se é devido ao facto de representarem sobre coisas que nunca vi antes ou se é aquele tipo de teatro que me fascina imenso! O teatro possui várias funções e uma delas é ensinar o espetador, é o que eu senti quando vi estes dois trabalhos desta companhia, quando termino de ver o espetáculo fico muito satisfeita e com vontade de fazer parte dos trabalhos. Não sei explicar que tipo de teatro é ou que técnicas é que sao utilizadas, sei apenas que me fascina muito e que um dia gostaria de poder fazer um trabalho deste genero.
O espetaculo de teatro Moby-Dick foi adaptado por Tiago Patrício, tem como diretor artístico o Pedro Alves e conta com a interpretação de Pedro Mendes (ator) e Ruben Jacinto (músico). Gostei mutito deste espetaculo, fiquei mesmo muito feliz por ter assistido e recomendo!

"Ha coisas que nos fascinam da quais nós nao temos que atribuir um nome ou um porquê" Cirila Bossuet.
Com um beijinho repleto de Arte, Cirila Bossuet.
Name of the post : Moby-Dick
Monologers, Hello!
On the 12th, I went to the Casa de Teatro de Sintra watch the spectacle of theater Moby-Dick by Teatromosca, the first play I saw this year 2014! Moby-Dick is a romance by American author Herman Melville (1819 -1891), portrays the life of a veteran sea decides to devote himself to whaling. This is the second work I see done by Teatromosca, since I saw the first show was The passion of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, since I saw the first show was stuck to the work of this company, I can not tell if it's because they represent about things I've never seen before or if it's the kind of theater that fascinates me a lot! The theater has several functions , one of which is to teach the spectator , is what I felt when I saw these two works of this company when I finish seeing very satisfied and willing to do some of the work I'm spectacle. I can not explain what kind of theater is or what techniques are used is that , just know that fascinates me a lot and one day I wish I could do work of this kind .
On the 12th, I went to the Casa de Teatro de Sintra watch the spectacle of theater Moby-Dick by Teatromosca, the first play I saw this year 2014! Moby-Dick is a romance by American author Herman Melville (1819 -1891), portrays the life of a veteran sea decides to devote himself to whaling. This is the second work I see done by Teatromosca, since I saw the first show was The passion of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, since I saw the first show was stuck to the work of this company, I can not tell if it's because they represent about things I've never seen before or if it's the kind of theater that fascinates me a lot! The theater has several functions , one of which is to teach the spectator , is what I felt when I saw these two works of this company when I finish seeing very satisfied and willing to do some of the work I'm spectacle. I can not explain what kind of theater is or what techniques are used is that , just know that fascinates me a lot and one day I wish I could do work of this kind .
spectacle of theater Moby-Dick was adapted by James Patrick , is
artistic director Pedro Alves and has the interpretation of Pedro Mendes
( actor ) and Ruben Jacinto (musician ) . I really enjoyed this spectacle , I was really glad to have attended and recommend !
Been in the house Teatro of Sintra and is now in Casimiro Mirita Theatre and then will be in the Southern Theater . More information here: Teatromosca Official Site and Facebook Teatromosca
" There are things that fascinate us of which we do not have to assign a name or why" Cirila Bossuet .
With a Kiss full of Art, Cirila Bossuet
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