ensaiado muito para o trabalho de Quarta-feira, “Cartas Coreográficas”, que
consiste na criação de movimentos a partir de alguns textos retirados da
exposição de Madalena Victorino (vou fazer um post a falar deste trabalho na Quarta-feira).
Um conjunto de movimentos origina a uma coreografia o que também origina, num
sentido mais pessoal, uma grande paixão. Eu adoro dançar! Alivia-me as tenções,
o stress e leva-me para um sítio onde
só a força e a suavidade dos movimentos me sabem transportar. Apesar deste trabalho
estar dentro de um dos registos que mais me sinto à vontade, tenho sentido
algumas dificuldades. Parece que estou tão confortável e desconfortável ao
mesmo tempo e isso cria-me algum conflito e bloqueio. “Movimento” é também uma
das disciplinas obrigatórias do meu curso, e é talvez a disciplina a que tenho
uma melhor nota só para terem a noção daquilo que falo! Eu gostaria de vos
poder explicar de forma clara aquilo que sinto quando o “movimento” é o tema do
meu monólogo, mas não há palavras, só sensações inexplicáveis.
Neste momento estou a “lutar” com o facto de estar tão à vontade e não conseguir desenvolver o trabalho da forma que desejo, espero que antes de Quarta-feira as coisas mudem! Enfim, veremos...
se trata de observação. Trata-se de sensação.” CirilaBossuet
Com um beijinho repleto Arte, Cirila Bossuet.
Monologers Hello!
I have tested a lot for work Wednesday, "Letters choreographic" which is the creation of movements from some of the explanatory texts taken Madalena Victorino (I'll do a post talking about this work on Wednesday). A set of movements originates choreography which also originates in a more personal sense, a great passion. I love to dance! Relieve me of the tensions, stress and leads me to a place where only the strength and smoothness of movements carry me know. Despite this work being inside one of the records that I feel more at ease, I have felt some difficulties. I seem to be so comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time and that creates me some conflict and blockade. "Movement" is also one of the compulsory subjects in my course, and discipline is perhaps the best that I have a note just to have a notion of what I speak! I'd like you to explain clearly what I feel when the "movement" is the theme of my monologue, but there are no words, only unexplained sensations.
Right now I'm "fighting" with it being so uncomfortable and unable to develop work the way you desire, hopefully before Wednesday things change! Anyway, we'll see...
I have tested a lot for work Wednesday, "Letters choreographic" which is the creation of movements from some of the explanatory texts taken Madalena Victorino (I'll do a post talking about this work on Wednesday). A set of movements originates choreography which also originates in a more personal sense, a great passion. I love to dance! Relieve me of the tensions, stress and leads me to a place where only the strength and smoothness of movements carry me know. Despite this work being inside one of the records that I feel more at ease, I have felt some difficulties. I seem to be so comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time and that creates me some conflict and blockade. "Movement" is also one of the compulsory subjects in my course, and discipline is perhaps the best that I have a note just to have a notion of what I speak! I'd like you to explain clearly what I feel when the "movement" is the theme of my monologue, but there are no words, only unexplained sensations.
Right now I'm "fighting" with it being so uncomfortable and unable to develop work the way you desire, hopefully before Wednesday things change! Anyway, we'll see...
(Image is on top)
"This is not observation. These are feeling."
With a kiss full of Art, Cirila Bossuet.
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